A CIO’s guide to guiding business change

In the 1970s and ’80s, IT was the recognized driver of business change, albeit under the moniker “data processing,” followed by “management information systems,” followed by “information systems.” Having automated the daylights out of general accounting, IT’s programmers and their friendly supplicants — business managers under constant pressure to cut costs — attacked business processes…

Understanding the Key Steps in Supply Chain Convergence

For today’s organizations, improving customer experience is a top business priority for 2022 and beyond – and rightly so. Today’s customers are demanding more from companies, including a seamless experience where any concerns or questions are addressed quickly and efficiently. To retain current customers and to attract new ones, organizations must deliver. To do so successfully,…

Protecting Your Supply Chain with Data-Aware Security

In a previous article, we talked about the need for organizations to secure data wherever it resides. The complexity of today’s supply chains brings that need into sharp focus, while highlighting some of the challenges of successfully protecting data. Many organizations today depend on a complex web of partners, vendors, and suppliers to run their…