Modernize Your Data Stack to Thrive in Uncertain Times

Economic instability and uncertainty are the leading causes for technology budget decreases, according to the IDG/Foundry 2022 annual State of the CIO survey. Despite a desire to cut budgets, data remains the key factor to a business succeeding – especially during economic uncertainty. According to the Harvard Business Review, data-driven companies have better financial performance, are more likely to survive, and…

Protect Your Data with Zero Trust

As the threat landscape evolves and adversaries find new ways to exfiltrate and manipulate data, more organizations are adopting a zero trust strategy. However, many are only focusing attention on endpoints, leaving the database vulnerable to malicious attacks. Databases are the last line of defense against data exfiltration by cybercriminals. To combat this, it’s essential…

The Impossible Manual Task for Outdated Contact Centers

The cloud, combined with conversational artificial intelligence (AI), is dramatically expanding the capabilities of the modern-day contact center. These solutions are the twin pillars of contact center success, allowing them to serve more customers faster and more effectively. The two technologies go hand in hand for creating the flexible, flawless customer experience (CX) that companies…

Murat Ozkan, Chief Information and Digital Officer at Anadolu Efes

Murat Ozkan, Chief Information and Digital Officer at Anadolu Efes, the Turkey-based international beverages company, talks about how a data management strategy comprising AI and analytics will sustain further growth. Watch the episode: #id63cef204ab718 .jw-wrapper::before { content: “CIOLLME22_005_Ozkan” !important; } Listen to the episode: CIO Leadership Live Read More from This Article: Murat Ozkan,…