8-10x performance upticks in next-gen infrastructure enable AI workloads

CIOs and IT leaders call it the most disruptive technology yet, and now it’s moving rapidly into the mainstream.  Artificial intelligence (AI), an increasingly crucial piece of the technology landscape, has arrived.  More than 91 percent of businesses surveyed have ongoing — and increasing — investments in artificial intelligence. Deploying AI workloads at speed and scale, however, requires software…

CarMax drives business value with GPT-3.5

Generative AI such as ChatGPT has of late captured the imagination of business leaders across industries. While enterprise IT orgs by and large are taking a measured approach, some early movers are showing impressive results. CarMax’s IT team, for one, has been working with Microsoft and OpenAI to leverage GPT-3.x for business value even before…

Fletcher Building CIO’s blueprint to digitally transform

“You can never drive the car looking through the rearview mirror,” says Joe Locandro, CIO of Fletcher Building, Australasia’s largest building materials supplier. “As CIO, you have to keep looking ahead and feel comfortable in backing yourself. That’s the difference between being CIO and an IT manager—one is responsible for getting things done, the other…

Keeping IT ahead in a game when rules keep changing

IT leaders today are facing more challenges than ever before. As you look to shape your winning strategies, the rules of the game keep changing. Environments are more dispersed and dynamic, with attack surfaces and vectors expanding, and new threats emerging. Applications are no longer confined to desktops and devices but are spread across multiple…

The post-quantum cryptography conundrum

Business leaders may have heard of quantum computing, but many are not yet aware of its incipient threat to cryptography and cryptocurrency. When these machines reach a sufficient level of performance, they will be able to easily factor prime numbers, which poses a threat to RSA. Only a few realize that the time to prepare…