Hacienda se arma con IA para luchar contra el fraude

La Aministración pública acompasa cada vez más su transformación digital al ritmo que lleva el sector privado en su adopción de nuevas tecnologías. Es así como la inteligencia artificial (IA) se ha insertado en todo tipo de administración y servicio público en el último año. Hacienda no iba a ser menos y, entre otras iniciativas,…

Systems-level approach drives optimal performance and power efficiency for Linux and open-source workloads

As more organizations create or adopt new cloud-native workloads, new requirements for cloud infrastructure are emerging. There is a greater need to optimize across the tech stack and take a systems-level approach. Yet as businesses pursue these new cloud-native workloads utilizing technologies like containers, microservices, and open-source software, they must seek solutions that achieve the…

Demystifying AI: Understanding weak and strong AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most transformative technologies of our time, yet it remains widely misunderstood. Whether that stems from science fiction portrayals of sentient robots, or the mystique surrounding the term itself, AI has become one of the most divisive emerging technologies in recent history. To ensure a positive trajectory for the…

Infinidat Revolutionizes Enterprise Cyber Storage Protection to Reduce Ransomware and Malware Threat Windows

Infinidat, a leading provider of enterprise storage solutions, has introduced a new automated cyber resiliency and recovery solution that will revolutionize how enterprises can minimize the impact of ransomware and malware attacks. Infinidat’s InfiniSafe® Automated Cyber Protection (ACP) is a first-of-its-kind cybersecurity integration solution that is designed to reduce the threat window of cyberattacks, such…

Sateliot refuerza las comunicaciones de sus satélites 5G-IoT

Sateliot ha anunciado en sociedad una alianza estratégica con Leaf Space. Con esta colaboración, la compañía catalana de satélites de órbita terrestre baja aspira a fortalecer la conectividad de su constelación de satélites 5G-IoT. Según ha detallado la organización comunicado mediante, la infraestructura de Leaf Space les permitiría escalar su servicio comercial de conectividad 5G-IoT…