작업이 더 쉬워진다··· 개발자가 환영할 오픈소스 AI 프로젝트 11개

이런 중요한 분야를 육성하기 위해 개발자의 작업을 조금 더 쉽게 만들어주는 11가지 오픈소스 AI 프로젝트를 소개한다. 일부는 모델 학습 프로세스를 미세 조정하고, 일부는 필요한 데이터 소스를 찾거나 액세스하는 데 도움을 준다. 생산성 향상 도구, 성능 최적화 도구, SQL 랭글러 등 다양하다. 여기서 소개하는 프로젝트를 통해 AI의 혁신이 어떻게 지능적이고 자율적인 컴퓨터의 꿈을 어떻게 현실로 바꾸고…

Unifying security and networking the AI-native way

In today’s enterprise environments, security and networking teams may be siloed for a variety of reasons. Perhaps legacy organizational structures divided their responsibilities and expertise, or different priorities resulted in a lack of interdepartmental collaboration. The root cause might be technological, with teams using tools and platforms specifically tailored for their separate domains. Yet there’s…

AI dominates Gartner’s 2025 predictions

Artificial Intelligence continues to dominate this week’s Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo, as well as the research firm’s annual predictions list.  “It is clear that no matter where we go, we cannot avoid the impact of AI,” Daryl Plummer, distinguished vice president  analyst, chief of research and Gartner Fellow told attendees. “AI is evolving as human use…

INE Security Launches New Training Solutions to Enhance Cyber Hygiene for SMBs

INE Security offers essential advice to protect digital assets and enhance security. As small businesses increasingly depend on digital technologies to operate and grow, the risks associated with cyber threats also escalate. INE Security, a leading provider of cybersecurity training and certifications, today shared its cybersecurity training for cyber hygiene practices for small businesses, underscoring…

The big, gaping hole in software supply chain security

If software supply chains consisted solely of open source code, securing them would be easy. Effective tools and methodologies exist for discovering and remediating software supply chain security risks that arise from open source components. But supply chains also can, and typically do, contain closed-source code derived from third-party sources. Securing this part of the…

SAP: good figures, but bad mood

There are rumblings among the SAP workforce: The index value for employee engagement is at a ten-year low. For 2024, SAP management around CEO Christian Klein expects only 70 to 74 percent. This is according to the current financial report for the third quarter of 2023. The index is determined on the basis of five…

Turismo de Andalucía impulsa la transformación digital de la industria en la región

La Consejería de Turismo de la Junta de Andalucía ha suscrito un acuerdo de colaboración con Microsoft para acelerar la modernización tecnológica del sector turístico de la región. Una alianza que tiene por objeto transformar y digitalizar los servicios públicos y el tejido empresarial vinculado a una industria fundamental para la economía regional y nacional,…

CIOs recalibrate multicloud strategies as challenges remain

Cloud strategies are undergoing a sea change of late, with CIOs becoming more intentional about making the most of multiple clouds. But managing multicloud environments presents unique challenges, especially when it comes to the interoperability and workload-fluidity issues at the center of more deliberate — rather than happenstance — multicloud strategies. “A lot of ‘multicloud’…