Nueve métricas clave para el éxito de TI

Los líderes de TI se están ahogando en métricas, y muchos se encuentran hasta el cuello de indicadores clave de rendimiento (KPI) en un mar aparentemente sin fondo de herramientas de medición. El resultado es pérdida de tiempo, confusión y, en algunos casos, perspectivas contradictorias. Hay varias métricas importantes que pueden utilizarse para lograr el…

Security is dead: Long live risk management

Traditional security approaches have become unsustainable for technology leaders navigating today’s complex threat landscape. Information risk management is no longer a checkpoint at the end of development but must be woven throughout the entire software delivery lifecycle. As regulators demand more tangible evidence of security controls and compliance, organizations must fundamentally transform how they approach…

It’s OK to not love AI. But you should care about how it can help your people

By Bryan Kirschner, Vice President, Strategy at DataStax. In an experiment, generative AI (genAI) outperformed doctors at crafting empathetic patient communications. I recently completed another in which genAI outperformed a journalist at displaying empathy for average Americans. Though I’m not surprised by AI-uber-skeptic Ed Zitron’s criticism of the business of genAI in a blog titled…

The smart, strategic moves CIOs must make to leverage AI for business transformation

AI-infused applications such as Microsoft Copilot + PCs are transforming the workforce by automating routine tasks and personalizing employee experiences. According to Foundry’s 2024 Tech Priorities study, 89% of IT decision-makers have reported researching, piloting, or deploying AI-enabled technologies.[1] However, expanding AI within organizations comes with challenges, including high per-seat licensing costs, increased network loads…

Supercomputación e IA aplicadas a la aviación; Vueling y el BSC exploran nuevos horizontes

La aviación se rinde a la transformación digital en su afán por explorar nuevos horizontes. Vueling, haciendo gala una vez más del ADN innovador del que presume, se alía con el Barcelona Supercomputing Center-Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS) para impulsar la integración de soluciones innovadoras basadas en supercomputación, inteligencia artificial (IA) y computación cuántica en…

Why AI productivity benefits require a PC refresh strategy

Productivity is one of the key benefits enterprises expect from AI. IT leaders developing IT strategies commonly cite routine task automation and content simplification as two of their top priorities. Research by Foundry showed that improving employee productivity was the most cited business objective driving AI investments (48%). [1] But as businesses seek to realize…

European Cyber Report 2025: 137% more DDoS attacks than last year – what companies need to know

Cyberattacks are no longer an abstract threat – they dominate risk planning for companies worldwide. The latest Link11 European Cyber Report shows an alarming trend: the number of DDoS attacks has more than doubled, and they are shorter, more targeted, and more technically sophisticated. Organizations that do not continuously evolve their security strategies face significant…