Emirates Global Aluminium’s digital transformation: An interview with Carlo Nizam, Chief Digital Officer

When Carlo Nizam joined EGA in 2021, he was tasked with leading the company’s digital transformation, a journey aimed at optimizing every aspect of the business. Carlo describes his dual role as Chief Digital and Information Officer (CDIO) as one that combines both traditional IT and digital transformation responsibilities. “We look at data as a…

The Royal Eswatini Sugar Corporation sows sweet success in agriculture

You’ve all seen the news: global despair caused by the oppressive heat, unrelenting cold, and merciless flooding – all impacting our once-bountiful fields.   As climate change heightens, farmers and their crops face growing exposure to unpredictable weather patterns. Global conflicts only add to their uncertainty and vulnerability, with rising production costs exacerbating difficulties. In Eswatini, Africa,…

10 benefits that developers want in 2025

Admittedly, some of the benefit ideas below sound absurd and will probably never make it into an employment contract. But sometimes, it’s the bizarre requests that tell us the most about the real working day.  1. Unlimited debugging days  While many dream of endless vacations, there is only one thing more tempting for developers: unlimited…

4 ways to build a team equipped with emerging skills

We’ve all heard about how difficult the job market is on the applicant side, with candidates getting very little response from prospective employers. But the hiring side isn’t much easier. Changing demographics, fast-evolving technologies, and the globalization of job opportunities make recruiting and holding onto skilled professionals much more difficult. And there’s no end in…

EU, ‘사이버 연대법’ 제정··· 국경 넘어선 보안 협력 강화

유럽연합(EU)이 사이버 보안 방어 체계와 협력 메커니즘 강화를 위해 두 가지 새로운 법안을 제정했다. 사이버 연대법(Cyber Solidarity Act)과 기존 사이버 보안법(CSA) 개정을 골자로 한 이번 법안은 포괄적인 사이버 보안 입법의 일환으로 마련되었다. EU 이사회는 이번 조치가 사이버 위협 탐지, 대비, 대응 능력을 향상시키고 관리 보안 서비스의 통일성을 높이는 것을 목표로 한다고 전했다.  EU 이사회는 “빠르게…