6 cloud cost management tips

Operating your business in the cloud is fundamentally different than operating on premises. And when operations differ, so too do strategies for containing costs. Financially speaking, a datacenter requires a large capital expenditure for the building, additional capital expenditures for the servers and software licenses, and smaller but significant operating expenditures for powering the servers…

10 tips for change management success

What is change management? Change management is the discipline of leading individuals, teams and entire organizations through organizational change via a combination of behavioral and social sciences, information technology and business solutions. Companies today are focused on digital transformation — reinventing business models and processes using data and technology (cloud, mobile, data analytics, machine learning,…

3 machine learning success stories: An inside look

Fewer technologies are hotter than artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), which mimic the behavior of the human mind to help companies improve business operations. And for companies embarking on digital transformations, AI and ML are being viewed as cornerstone technologies for wooing customers with new services. Aggressive marketing has triggered significant hype around…

7 keys to a successful business intelligence strategy

Business intelligence (BI) is essential for business growth and competitive advantage, yet reaping benefits from BI requires more than implementing the technology that enables it. In fact, deploying the technology is the easiest part of any BI initiative, according to Boris Evelson, vice president and principal analyst at Forrester Research. Getting the personnel and processes…