Generate More Value from Data with AI Services

AI for Better Decision-Making Better decision-making isn’t always about deciding whether A or B is the optimal choice. Sometimes it’s about rethinking what kind of decisions to make. Consider that it may be easier to make one big decision well, rather than hundreds of smaller decisions that each have different payouts and risks. In contrast,…

10 top HCM software tools and how to choose

Today, human resources (HR) professionals are tasked with identifying, developing, managing, and retaining a talented workforce while also adhering to legal, regulatory, and compliance requirements. Human capital management (HCM) software can help HR professionals accomplish their objectives and improve HR processes across the entire business. “A human capital management system implies that you’re able to…

Combatting digital ignorance

People who study technology value creation ceaselessly argue which tech term of art is least illuminating and most irksome. Is it digital transformation (the phrase that has launched a thousand consultancies and as many failed strategies)? Is it cloud computing? Is it the ridiculously overhyped and inexplicably under-explained 5G? Or is it the recently coined…

Managed Services: For Never-ending Business Needs

Organizations are juggling a multitude of both business-critical IT operations while trying to innovate and digitally transform. It’s a tall order for IT departments to spread their skills, for example, across cloud migrations, application and endpoint security, help-desk support, and more. That’s why many enterprises turn to managed services to augment their existing IT staff.…

10 reasons to keep that data center running

The cloud with all of its ease and convenience is slowly eclipsing the racks and racks of machines that defined it. There are many practical reasons driving this movement away from the data center as a hallmark of information technology. Cloud service providers continue to roll out amazing products and time-saving services that make it…