The new core competencies IT must master

A couple of weeks ago, I had a conversation with Claus Jensen, CTO of CVS Health, about the shifting challenges facing today’s IT organizations. He calls the current state of affairs a triple whammy. “We all know that the environment is changing — the rate of change accelerating. But also, the expectations of large enterprises…

10 IT-business collaboration mistakes to avoid

These days more than ever, collaboration and co-creation with your business peers is key to digital success. Without a harmonious, productive business-IT relationship digital initiatives are more likely to derail. Legacy approaches and outlooks, not to mention ingrained frictions and differing styles, can present challenges for collaboration among business and IT colleagues. Even when sharing…

Merck proves 3D printing's transformative power

3D printing has proven transformative in industries ranging from automotive to aerospace. But can it do the same in biopharmaceuticals? Until a few years ago, biopharmaceutical company Merck & Co. felt there were novel solutions involving 3D printing that could apply to many challenges it faced, but the company ignored those solutions due to the…

15 famous ERP disasters, dustups and disappointments

You can find out how crucial an enterprise resource planning (ERP) software rollout can be for a company from a single word: billions—as in, lawsuits over failed ERP and customer relationship management (CRM) implementations are now being denominated in the billions of dollars. Greg Crouse, managing director at Navigant Consulting, has learned all about this…