The savvy CIO’s secret weapon: Your IT team

Effective IT organizations rely on these foundations: well-defined, -designed, and -implemented integration with the enterprise; sophisticated process and practice oversight; and a robust, up-to-date technical architecture. But without the right people, pointed in the right direction, your IT efforts will be futile, no matter how good these look in the documentation. A CIO’s success, that…

When Constrained—Innovate

What do you think keeps CIOs up at night these days? CIOs are telling me they are currently functioning under many constraints—everyone is being asked to do more with less. Innovation under these constraints is a must. Successful CIOs recognize that this is not a bad thing. In fact, a constrained environment is often a…

New US CIO appointments, January 2022

Movers & Shakers is where you can keep up with new CIO appointments and gain valuable insight into the job market and CIO hiring trends. As every company becomes a technology company, CEOs and corporate boards are seeking multi-dimensional CIOs with superior skills in technology, communications, business strategy and digital innovation. The role is more…

AI/ML at scale: The next horizon for PPG’s data strategy

Jeff Lipniskis describes his role at PPG as having line-of-business IT responsibilities. As global director information technology, architectural coatings & Latin America, he reports to the corporate CIO and has accountability for IT globally in the company’s architectural coatings business, leads IT for its protective and marine coatings, and has oversight for IT within the…

Top Middle East tech conferences for 2022

Regional IT events United States Africa Australia India Southeast Asia Global security events All IDC Middle East events CIO Middle East has compiled a list with some of the most important and exciting technology events in the region, curated especially for IT leaders working in private enterprise and public administrations. This list will be updated…

Top African tech conferences and events for 2022

Regional IT events United States Australia India Middle East Southeast Asia Global security events All IDC Africa events While it can be difficult to sort through all the technology events now occurring in Africa, CIO Africa’s curated list of conferences includes the top events that professional IT executives in sub-Saharan Africa should know about.   As…