MITRE CIO John Wilson on embracing complexity

Like many organizations, MITRE is wrestling with how to make hybrid work effective and seamless and adapting and applying new technologies and lessons learned along the way.’s Maryfran Johnson sat down with John Wilson, vice president, CIO and chief security officer at MITRE, to discuss just that. [ Beware the 9 warning signs of…

3 steps for creating a data-to-value ecosystem

Although many organizations are using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine language (ML) tools as core enablers in their data analytics projects, and AI spending worldwide continues to rise, the hard truth is that most data science projects are doomed to fail. There are several reasons for these failures, ranging from the inherent complexity of AI/ML…

IT key to Vast Bank’s bold bet on crypto

In this era of constant change, the cutting edge can come from seemingly unlikely places. Squeezed between megabanks and a rash of emerging fintechs, family-owned Vast Bank is seeking to stand out by becoming among if not the first US bank to offer cryptocurrency services directly to retail customers. [ Cut through hype to find…

7 compliance mistakes to avoid

Compliance is a fact of life for just about every company — especially in highly regulated industries such as healthcare, financial services, and government. And while compliance is often under the mantel of legal, compliance, risk management, or other departments, IT is certain to be involved in any organization’s compliance efforts. CIOs and other top…

7 tips for better business-IT alignment

Has your enterprise fallen out alignment? Telltale symptoms include pulling in the wrong direction, poor control, and perhaps worst of all, degrading productivity and results. When IT and business teams fail to align, all parties can expect a bumpy ride. “Digital transformation is driving fundamental change in how an organization delivers value to its customers,”…

5 questions with Qualcomm CIO Mary Gendron

Mary Gendron has had a long successful career as a transformational leader, most recently as Senior VP and CIO of Qualcomm, where she’s inspired a team of 2,000 IT professionals across the globe. Her leadership story is one of courage, confidence, culture-building, and perseverance. She has led complex global organizations and driven proactive business strategies…

How PVH IT speeds innovation

In today’s business climate, innovation is critical to business success, and IT leaders are pressed to consistently innovate at a pace that the business has come to expect.   IDG’s Derek Hulitzky sat down with Eileen Mahoney, global CIO at PVH, at the CIO 100 Symposium and Awards virtual event to discuss her approach to…

The Library of Congress goes digital

CIO Judith Conklin has a tall task: migrating the world’s largest library to the cloud. Conklin, who was promoted from deputy CIO in September after former CIO Bernard Barton retired, is leading the Library of Congress’ five-year digital transformation, which will see the institution migrating millions of books, historical collections, and congressional materials to a…