Demystifying the dark science of data analytics

Although few will publicly admit it, data analytics remains something of a dark science for many IT leaders, replete with mystical methods and seemingly inscrutable practices. Yet despite its somewhat enigmatic reputation, analytics has repeatedly demonstrated that it is a proven science, a powerful tool that generally leads to significant improvements in productivity, efficiency, sales,…

6 hard truths IT must learn to accept

Sometimes the truth hurts. It can be hard to admit that you’ve lost control over how your organization deploys technology, or that your network is porous and your code poorly written. Or no matter how much bandwidth you’ve budgeted for, it never quite seems to be enough, and that despite its bright promise, the cloud…

9 IT projects primed for machine learning

Machine learning is fast becoming a reality for forward-thinking organizations. But for most businesses, the best way to take advantage of the capabilities of machine learning technologies remains something of a mystery. Still, the drumbeat to experiment keeps getting louder. And the truth is, your competitors may already be laying the groundwork. IDC forecasts revenues…

The top 9 ITSM suite vendors for 2017

Organizations looking to codify IT management in service of business needs often turn to IT service management (ITSM), a set of policies, processes and procedures for managing customer-oriented IT services. ITSM offers various frameworks for businesses to create management standards around IT services and customer service practices, and to help businesses build structure around the…

10 key warnings for your Windows 10 migration

With Windows 7 a couple years away from its end of service date, January 14, 2020, many companies face Hobson’s choice: It’s the Win10 way or the highway. For those unwilling or unable to switch away from Windows, the path forward is clear. Barring a sudden turnaround in Microsoft’s stated intentions, or a Midas-sized bag…

13 real-world digital transformation success stories

Companies are increasingly launching digital initiatives to expand or build digital capabilities aimed at business efficiency or top-line revenue growth. And as digital transformation success stories emerge, the trend is gaining steam. Nearly 2,600 CIOs Gartner surveyed last year said they devote 18 percent of their budgets to digital transformation, a figure set to increase to 28…