8 technologies driving health care M&As

Tech is good medicine for heath care acquisitions Image by Getty Images The U.S. department of labor forecasts that the healthcare industry will add 4 million new jobs by 2016. That should be a daunting prospect for anyone working in that industry — particularly given that the rising cost of healthcare (18 percent of GDP…

Are workplaces actually changing as a result of #MeToo?

The #MeToo and #TimesUp movements have certainly raised awareness about sexual harassment and misconduct in the workplace, and along with that awareness, the hopes and expectations that finally some corrective action might be taken to shift the culture of sexism and misogyny. But are employers actually taking concrete action to make their companies safer and…

How to develop a PMO strategic plan

Strategic-level (PMOs), also known as enterprise project management offices, are essential in developing, maintaining and communicating effective project, program and portfolio practices. Having a solid company-wide strategic plan provides the blueprint that all PMO initiatives should align with and be measured against. Unfortunately, only 41 percent of strategic PMOs have a high level of alignment…

The biggest issues CIOs face today

CIO Sue Workman’s to-do list grows longer and more diverse every year. A string of strategic initiatives under way at Case Western Reserve University in Ohio where she works has her straddling both operational and transformational IT responsibilities. “I really do try to stay in the strategic,” she says. “I have the direct report staff…

What is Digital 2.0?

I’ve spent the last six months talking with CIOs about what “digital” means to their companies. When I asked Vijay Sankaran, CIO of TD Ameritrade, that same question, he said, “Forget about digital. Ask me about Digital 2.0.” In this interview, Sankaran differentiates Digital 1.0 from 2.0 and offers advice to CIOs looking to move…

Top 12 project management certifications for 2018

Behind every successful IT project, you’ll find a highly skilled project manager. From hardware and software upgrades to ongoing security patches, to application development and the rollout of software itself, project managers keep your teams on task and productive. Almost any IT pro can benefit from adding a project management certification to their list of…