12 tips for machine learning training

To make decisions more quickly and accurately, enterprises are increasingly turning to machine learning, arguably today’s most practical application of AI. Machine learning systems apply algorithms to data to glean insights into that data without explicit programming: It’s about using data to answer questions. As such, companies are applying machine learning to a wide array…

7 ways to root out IT staff incompetence

Every IT leader wants to run an organization that’s renowned for its performance, precision and speed. Unfortunately, those noble goals can often be derailed by poor performers within the IT ranks. The sticky part is uncovering this often hidden issue and dealing with it without becoming every staff member’s worst enemy. Whether it’s an employee…

The keys to a successful remote work strategy

Remote work can be a win-win opportunity for employers and employees alike. The benefits to your employee engagement, retention and morale, as well as your ability to expand your talent pool and attract and hire stronger candidates, are all well known. But remote work offers unique challenges that companies must address to make the most of their remote work strategies.…