7 tips for getting the most from your project team

Launching a new IT project is always challenging. Add in a pandemic, business uncertainty, economic instability and a scattered, distracted workforce and the task becomes even more daunting. Despite the multiple obstacles facing project leaders in today’s troubled times, it remains possible to build a world-class team that will meet, or even beat, projected performance,…

4 tips for quick automation wins

IT automation is nothing new. Enterprises for years have looked for ways to reduce or eliminate manual processes that can slow down service delivery, introduce errors into systems, and increase costs. But the idea of automating all types of processes seems to have taken on a greater sense of urgency of late, as IT organizations…

CIOs rethink the 18-month IT plan, post-COVID

Darrell Fernandes and his technology team meet twice yearly to review the 18-month roadmap that drives them toward the company’s north star — the vision of where it wants to be five years out. But Fernandes, who is head of product technology for TIAA, a financial services firm, had some detours recently, as he and…

NLP poised to revolutionize the enterprise

Recent improvements in natural language processing (NLP) are bolstering mainstream technologies with speech and text capabilities, whether that’s reading emails aloud in a natural-sounding voice or Excel enabling you to type in questions about your spreadsheet data and get answers in the form of auto-generated charts and PivotTables. As NLP becomes more accurate and more…

Top 15 tools for predictive analytics

Somewhere along the way computers transformed from filing cabinets for data into crystal balls that foretell the future by examining that data to predict what might happen in a few seconds, a few days, maybe even a few years. Many of the tools for accomplishing this feat fall under the term “predictive analytics.” The term…

Building board diversity

Bringing greater diversity to the boardroom is a trending topic in governance circles everywhere these days. Fueled by rising awareness of racial and gender inequalities, activist investors and a dozen states enacting new laws requiring boards to diversify, there is also a profound business shift underway. Boards are expanding their narrow focus on shareholder value…