Cloud Assessment: Clarifying the Vision, Transforming the Organization

Cloud migration has become a tech buzzword across enterprises worldwide. However, to be an effective cloud user means not only getting introduced to the concept, but also thoroughly evaluating your existing IT infrastructure and processes, identifying their potential in moving to cloud, and effectively planning your migration strategy. Given the many advantages of migration, businesses…

Measuring the business impact of AI

Artificial intelligence is in transition, both as a technology and in how it’s being used. Companies are increasingly bringing AI pilots out of the test labs and deploying them at scale, and some are seeing significant benefits as a result. Regardless of any uncertainty surrounding AI, ignoring its potential poses the risk that companies doing…

For Global Success, Think Like a Local

We live in a highly connected world. Technology has broken down many barriers to trade.  Every aspect of retail has been disrupted, from the way shoppers research purchases to the methods they use to pay. However, despite the powerful forces of globalization, significant local differences exist.  In some countries, the use of mobile phones is…

Organizations are Accurately Tracking Their Carbon Footprint with Secure Monitoring at the Edge

As the threat of climate change looms, organizations across every sector are focused on driving sustainable progress and innovation. Most of these organizations are measuring success based on their stated goals in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives and results.  Now there is a way to quantify and verify those achievements. It’s called Project Alvarium…

Unlock the Power of High-Performance Computing for Digital Transformation

Many people associate high-performance computing (HPC), also known as supercomputing, with far-reaching government-funded research or consortia-led efforts to map the human genome or to pursue the latest cancer cure. But HPC can also be tapped to advance more traditional business outcomes — from fraud detection and intelligent operations to helping advance digital transformation. The challenge:…