Beyond AI: Building toward artificial consciousness – Part 3

Beyond the hype surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) in the enterprise today, we arrive at a next stage: artificial consciousness. The first article in this practical AI innovation series laid out the essential requirements for this technology, focusing on compute power—the fundamental capability that is crucial to empower artificial consciousness. The following piece in the series explored the control and…

What it takes to win your first CIO role

Joy Brown’s rise through the upper echelons of digital and IT roles models what is now requisite preparation for technology leadership. Primed by a rotational program that cycled through varied assignments to build a technology-plus-business foundation, Brown was able to develop a robust process orientation in addition to skills in communications, large-scale change management, even…

Mosaic builds a global IT foundation for growth

Getting disparate facets of a global business on the same page — and the same processes — can be a force multiplier. That has been the objective of The Mosaic Company’s global digital transformation, which aims to yield at least three times its investment of $300 million. CIO Jeff Wysocki has high expectations for this…

Valencia potencia sus centros tecnológicos con una inversión de 36 millones de euros

La carrera por la digitalización en España está más competitiva que nunca, con iniciativas de modernización y dotación de fondos para la innovación tecnológica por parte de comunidades autónomas y municipios que buscan liderar la transformación digital de sus territorios y Administraciones. La Comunidad Valenciana no se queda atrás: en uno de sus últimos esfuerzos,…

CIO 100 Awards Spain 2024: abierto el plazo para presentar candidaturas a los premios de innovación y liderazgo digital más prestigiosos de España 

El próximo 11 de diciembre el Hotel Mandarin Ritz de Madrid volverá a acoger una nueva gala, la tercera, de la edición española de los CIO 100 Awards, el programa global de premios que organizan en múltiples países de todo el mundo CIO, la cabecera del grupo editorial Foundry, e IDC, prestigiosa firma de análisis…

ServiceNow: Latest news and insights

ServiceNow is an enterprise software and workplace management orchestration vendor based in Santa Clara, Calif. Its cloud-based enterprise service management (ESM) platform, Now, helps companies automate workflows across the enterprise, including those involved in IT service management (ITSM), IT operations management, IT asset management, and HR service delivery, among other domains. AI — generative AI…