Así funciona la inteligencia de precios en la red de estaciones de servicio de Cepsa

En Cepsa creen firmemente que la energía es una gran fuente de progreso para la sociedad; por este motivo, y haciendo gala de responsabilidad social corporativa, la petrolera española apuesta por la excelencia y la mejora continua. “Hacemos ingeniería energética íntegra, integral e integrada”, afirman desde la corporación. Una reconocida mezcla de experiencia y conocimiento,…

The CIO100 Awards offer more than just a trophy—they reflect your organization’s drive for excellence. Nominations open October 1, 2024

In the ever-evolving world of technology, leadership and innovation have become key drivers of business success. The CIO100 Awards recognize this profound impact and reward organizations and their IT leaders for their exceptional contributions to driving technology-led innovation. The CIO100 Awards, established by CIO Magazine, are celebrated at an annual event on August 11-13, 2025,…

The genAI opportunity: From ‘data to insight’ to ‘context to action’

By Bryan Kirschner, Vice President, Strategy at DataStax Data scientists have long struggled with silos and cycle time. That’s partly because of an underlying structural tension between the traditional data science mission of turning “data into insights” versus the on-the-ground game of turning “context into action.” The latter is something business teams and managers strive…

Headhunted? That dream job could be a trap

Cybercriminals are increasingly targeting private accounts on LinkedIn and WhatsApp because they are less secure than business accounts, according to Europe cybersecurity agency Enisa’s latest threat landscape report.  Here, an increasingly common method sees cybercriminals pretending to be recruiters targeting people in higher positions with sugarcoated offers of enticing jobs.  Sometimes hard to see through…

뛰어난 IT 임원을 구분 짓는 ‘무형’의 기술 6가지

경영 코치이자 베스트셀러 작가인 마셜 골드스미스의 “지금까지의 방식으로는 앞으로 나아갈 수 없다”라는 조언이 CIO에게 그 어느 때보다 적절해졌다. 기술적 능력, IT 리더십 전문성, 네트워크 보안 및 운영, 혁신 제공 능력만으로는 오늘날 CIO가 성공을 거두기에 충분하지 않다. 가트너의 연구 부사장인 크리스티 스트럭만은 “CIO가 나아가야 할 방향을 생각할 때 ‘먼저 경영자가 돼야 하고, 그다음에 실무 리더가 돼야…