5 tips for turning around a blow-up meeting

A few years back, I wrote an article for CIO on how to handle the blow-up meeting and create breakthroughs. Now almost three years later, I share one of my blow-up meeting moments in my new book, Digital Trailblazer: Essential Lessons to Jumpstart Transformation and Accelerate Your Technology Leadership. In this short excerpt from the…

7 ways CIOs can curb costs before recession hits

If IT leaders aren’t already thinking about the impact of an economic recession, their CEOs certainly are. In fact, nearly 8 in 10 business leaders expect a recession in their primary region of operation within the next 12 to 18 months — or believe one is already under way, according to the Conference Board’s C-Suite Outlook…

5 Secrets to Outcome-Driven Business Speed

It’s a common problem for technology departments, in all businesses, to be running in multiple directions, trying to manage multiple projects at once, and struggling to complete the myriad outcomes targeted. This is a natural development of modern business: we all face huge demands to be continually at the cutting edge of change.  Often, within…

How to Master the Art of Collaboration

How important is trust to the art of collaboration?  If collaboration is really going to deliver value, people must trust one another. To achieve this trust, businesses need a safe environment in which everyone feels comfortable being transparent and honest. All of us make mistakes. It’s important to see mistakes as part of a learning…

Getting a business grip on security frameworks

Trying to explain secure access service edge (SASE pronounced ‘sassy’) and zero trust can be exasperating when you’re making the case for business leaders to invest in new products and infrastructure. The onus is on IT leaders to focus top executives on the business benefits these technology concepts entail and how they will advance the…

Partnering on Strategies for Data-First Modernization

As companies lean into data-first modernization to deliver best-in-class experiences and drive innovation, protecting and managing data at scale become core challenges. Given the diversity of data and range of data-inspired use cases, it’s important to align with a robust partner ecosystem. This can help IT teams map the right set of services to unique…

4 ways to create better customer experiences with data

Most organizations realize that using data to better understand customer needs and preferences is vital to creating consistently great customer experiences. The challenge many face is how to put all of the data they’re collecting to work toward that goal.  We asked the CIO Experts Network, a community of IT professionals, industry analysts, and other…

Is Your Vision on Supply Chain Resilience Being Realized?

A recent North Carolina State University (NCSU) study finds surprising misalignments between supply chain and procurement executives on top business priorities and resiliency. In this article, I take a look at three key findings from that study, and what this misalignment can mean for achieving business objectives. Key finding #1: Misalignment on priorities A core…