The future is closer than you think.
You can never predict what weather will occur from year to year, but for decades climate change models have foretold more, and more intense, wildfires as heat and dryness increase. Just 14 months ago, California’s Camp Fire killed 85 people and destroyed nearly 19,000 structures – the worst California fire disaster on record. So far, the recent wildfires in Australia have burned an unprecedented 27 million acres and have resulted in the death of at least 27 people and an estimated 1 billion animals.
Meanwhile, climate scientists have observed that CO2 increases may take decades to fully impact average global temperature. Our current condition is the result of CO2 levels already in the rearview mirror. We’re already locked into worse fire conditions, greater ice melt, and equatorial regions too hot for humans to inhabit. All of that is irrevocably in the pipe.
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Source: News