The IT industry has long used professional certifications to verify proficiency in technologies from companies like Microsoft and Novell. Now, Node.js developers can have their skills certified with a program set up by the Node.js Foundation.
With the Node.js Certified Developer program, the Foundation is attempting to establish a baseline competency certification for the popular server-side JavaScript platform. Developers and other interested people will be able take a 32-question online exam starting in the second quarter of this year, said Tracy Hinds, education community manager for the Foundation.
Given the growth in Node usage, many companies and individual developers have been asking for such a certification to help them gauge competency. “There are a lot of people wanting to verify their knowledge of Node,” Hinds said. The test would certify an applicant as an early intermediate Node developer, which means that “they’re not going to know everything, but they can hit the ground running,” according to Hinds.
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