The business solutions landscape is constantly changing, making it hard for CIOs and tech decision makers to stay on top of evolving trends. This is especially true today, with innovation driven by digital technologies. To make the most of digital tools, CIOs need to keep the following five trends in mind to see their companies thrive in 2018 and beyond.
1. Digital transformation is now a boardroom agenda
Because digital technologies reinvent and disrupt entire ecosystems, they disintermediate traditional value chains and new business models emerge. Digital technologies allow companies to innovate and transform at the core of their operating models. With new business models, organizations will require top down board-level engagement in order to drive success beyond just traditional automation initiatives. And this top down focus is opening up new investments in digital technologies.
Read More from This Article: IDG Contributor Network: 5 top trends driving digital agendas in 2018
Source: IT Strategy