What if I told you that Blockbuster had a 7-year head start on streaming video over Netflix? What if I told you that before Prime Video, Prime Shipping, Google Docs, and Android phones, Amazon was a place to buy books and Google was just a search engine like Altavista. Altavista?
How were these companies able to enter new and existing spaces that had nothing to do with where they started and be successful? They were good at delivering software. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella says, “Every company is a software company.” If you buy a tractor from John Deere, one of the most important things that gets updated on that tractor is not the oil filter, it’s the software. There is a company with 3,500 engineers, 500 software releases a week, and 4,000 apps or services in production. That company is Home Depot.
Read More from This Article: Get good at delivering software
Source: News