When it comes to outsourcing, research shows that the proximity of the talent pool is a critical success factor. In fact, a recent survey of almost 4,000 IT leaders and executives in more than 80 countries showed that 28 percent of IT leaders say they planned to increase their “on-shoring” spending in the next year. By contrast, only 17 percent say they plan to increase offshoring.
The recently completed KPMG/Harvey Nash 2018 CIO Survey found many of the respondents predicting a continuation in the trend of more onshore outsourcing delivery options for IT Support.
At KPMG, we have observed that both service providers and clients are moving to deliver more services on shore. We believe this is a confluence of several issues:
Read More from This Article: IDG Contributor Network: Onshore vs. offshore: 8 trends driving IT support back home
Source: IT Strategy