US government extends warrantless FISA monitoring

A controversial provision of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act was renewed this weekend, despite concerns from lawmakers and other critics that it allows for the largely unregulated gathering of Americans’ personal information. The reauthorization of FISA Section 702, dubbed the Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act (RISAA), passed the House of Representatives earlier this month,…

Will AI kill jobs? History says otherwise

In April 1860, the Pony Express launched its operation to much fanfare. Using a series of riders on horses to relay messages from Missouri to California, it became an instant icon of the Wild West. The service lasted all of eighteen months. The Pony Express couldn’t compete with the transcontinental telegraph, completed in 1861, which…

Cybersecurity e NIS2: come si muovono i CIO per dormire sonni (un po’) più tranquilli

La cybersecurity toglie il sonno ai CIO? Sicuramente la grande maggioranza dei Chief Information Officer definisce “priorità numero uno” la sicurezza dei sistemi IT aziendali. Questa attenzione massima rispecchia la consapevolezza che le cyber-minacce sono sempre più numerose e preoccupanti. L’ultimo Rapporto Clusit ha contato 2.779 incidenti gravi a livello globale nel 2023 (+12% rispetto…