Private wireless networks – addressing IT and operational imperatives for dynamic enterprises

It’s a frustrating situation facing many organizations that are far along their “digital transformation” journeys: they want and need more and more connected devices to optimize operations and enable data-driven decision-making, but they operate in environments where it’s too hard to scale traditional Wi-fi and wired connectivity. This is an all too common challenge for…

The use cases for a private wireless networks are many and increasing

In industries such as manufacturing, logistics, transportation, agriculture, and energy exploration, extreme and ever-changing conditions illustrate the critical need for robust and reliable connectivity.  Whether an enterprise’s use cases demand 4G LTE connectivity or the unprecedented speed and low latency of 5G, private wireless networks are helping keep devices, networks, and people connected and able to…

3 ways AI is set to disrupt the C-suite

No one questions the tremendous impact generative artificial intelligence (gen AI) platforms and tools will have on the future of work. The impending disruption is obvious even before the effects materialize. The question IT and business leaders must ask is, How do we leverage this sea change rather than drown in it? Half of CEOs…

Today’s business challenges call for a private wireless network

Today’s dynamic organizations – among them manufacturers, logistics warehouses, and transportation hubs like airports, seaports and rail yards – increasingly rely on an ever-growing network of connected devices, systems and people to operate successfully. From employee safety systems to robotics, security cameras and autonomous vehicles, connected devices and applications have become critical to business. Like their counterparts in “carpeted” environments, “uncarpeted”…

Value Stream Management for digital transformation: A new maturity model

New research 1 underscores the common challenges many enterprises face in advancing their Value Stream Management (VSM) maturity levels for digital transformation, emphasizing the crucial need for effective guidance. Recognizing this need, we have created a cutting-edge VSM maturity model. Drawing upon our extensive experience facilitating successful VSM initiatives within large-scale enterprises, this model serves…

DEWA’s Smart Ball technology saved last year 243 million gallons of water

Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) utilises innovation and disruptive technologies in detecting leaks in the water transmission underground pipelines. This helped DEWA save 243 million gallons of water and AED 9.66 million in 2023. DEWA’s Smart Ball technology detects leaks that are usually difficult to detect using traditional techniques. Since its utilisation in April…

What it takes to land a CIO gig in 2024

By all accounts, 2024 will be a good year on the CIO hiring front. Global spending on technology is predicted to be up by virtually all forecasts. Most midsize and large organizations are spending significantly on cloud capabilities. Cybersecurity has been pegged as a top priority for funding in many industries. And nearly every company…