A Tale of Two CIO Priorities: It’s the Best Security for IT Infrastructure, It’s the Worst for Cyber Criminals

A substantial shift has happened in the enterprise storage industry over the last 12 months that has changed the dialogue about storage. In past years, the first conversations with enterprise storage buyers were about cost efficiency and performance. However, today, the two most important things that come up first in storage conversations are cybersecurity and delivery time. This…

The customer service revolution: How personalised journeys are the key to success

Consumers now expect personalised customer service experiences, whereby a website or app retains personal details in order to deliver tailored messaging, offers, and relevant products. Meeting these digitally-driven demands is crucial if brands want to keep pace and maintain their competitive edge. Businesses, after all, are built on the success of their customer service, yet…

7 ways CIOs can curb costs before recession hits

If IT leaders aren’t already thinking about the impact of an economic recession, their CEOs certainly are. In fact, nearly 8 in 10 business leaders expect a recession in their primary region of operation within the next 12 to 18 months — or believe one is already under way, according to the Conference Board’s C-Suite Outlook…

5 tips for turning around a blow-up meeting

A few years back, I wrote an article for CIO on how to handle the blow-up meeting and create breakthroughs. Now almost three years later, I share one of my blow-up meeting moments in my new book, Digital Trailblazer: Essential Lessons to Jumpstart Transformation and Accelerate Your Technology Leadership. In this short excerpt from the…