How the Sports and Entertainment Industry Is Reinventing the Fan Experience and Enhancing Revenues with Computer Vision

Smart stadiums are revolutionizing the fan experience. Think in terms of real-time updates regarding parking, concession and restroom lines, in-seat accommodations, live stats regarding your favorite team and athletes delivered to your phone as you watch the game. The possibilities for engaging attendees, increasing revenues and improving sustainability using real-time situational awareness and insights through…

How the Edge Is Changing Data-First Modernization

From the factory floor to online commerce sites and containers shuttling goods across the global supply chain, the proliferation of data collected at the edge is creating opportunities for real-time insights that elevate decision-making. To reap the benefits, organizations need to modernize with a decentralized data strategy that delivers the speed and flexibility necessary for…

Définition de l’hameçonnage

Définition de l’hameçonnage L’hameçonnage est une cyberattaque qui utilise comme arme un courrier électronique frauduleux. L’objectif est de faire croire au destinataire que le message contient quelque-chose qu’il désire avoir ou dont il a besoin :  une requête de sa banque, une note d’un collègue… Et évidemment, on vous demande de cliquer sur un lien ou…

The rise of servant leadership

CIO Nicole Raimundo Coughlin has always tried to look at her IT team holistically, listen to their needs, and provide them with opportunities to learn and grow. But the pandemic required her to take empathy and empowerment to a new level. “Our Teams and Zoom meetings put us inside the lives of our employees in…