SpyCloud’s 2025 Identity Exposure Report Reveals the Scale and Hidden Risks of Digital Identity Threats

The average corporate user now has 146 stolen records linked to their identity, an average 12x increase from previous estimates, reflecting a surge in holistic identity exposures. SpyCloud, the leading identity threat protection company, today released its 2025 SpyCloud Annual Identity Exposure Report, highlighting the rise of darknet-exposed identity data as the primary cyber risk…

CDOs: Your AI is smart, but your ESG is dumb. Here’s how to fix it

Sustainability is no longer a peripheral concern but a strategic business imperative. As regulatory scrutiny, investor expectations, and consumer demand for environmental, social and governance (ESG) accountability intensify, organizations must leverage data to drive their sustainability initiatives. Yet, while businesses increasingly rely on data-driven decision-making, the role of chief data officers (CDOs) in sustainability remains…

Telemadrid adjudica a Orange la gestión de sus servicios de telecomunicaciones y ciberseguridad

La cadena pública autonómica Radio Televisión Madrid (RTVM), que realiza sus emisiones bajo la marca Telemadrid, ha confiado al Grupo MasOrange la gestión integral de sus servicios de telecomunicaciones fijas y móviles y de ciberseguridad para los próximos cinco años. Esta adjudicación permitirá dotar a la cadena pública autonómica de la infraestructura tecnológica de telecomunicaciones…

SAP introduces Joule for Developers

SAP has added AI capabilities powered by its AI assistant, Joule, to SAP Build Process Automation and SAP Build apps, extending the existing AI capabilities in SAP Build Code and ABAP Cloud. The announcement at this week’s SAPInsider event in Las Vegas, Nevada, “is designed to empower developers to build more efficiently, deliver precise, contextualized…

5 top business use cases for AI agents

The next evolution of AI has arrived, and it’s agentic. AI agents are powered by the same AI systems as chatbots, but can take independent action, collaborate to achieve bigger objectives, and take over entire business workflows. The technology is relatively new, but all the major players are already on board. In October, Microsoft announced…

Mercedes-Benz entrena a una división de robots Apollo con vistas a incorporarla en su línea de montaje

El pasado 2024 estuvo marcado por el despliegue de robots humanoides de propósito general en diferentes sectores de la actividad. De hecho, Mercedes-Benz anunció entonces un acuerdo con Apptronik para incorporar los robots Apollo del fabricante en su cadena de ensamblaje. Ahora, tras irrumpir en el accionariado del fabricante de robótica, la casa alemana está…