The next wave of cybersecurity: Cloud and SOC integration

In today’s modern business landscape, cloud technology adoption has skyrocketed, driven largely by the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). This shift has completely transformed how businesses operate, with 63% of organizations citing AI as the primary driver for cloud investment. However, this rapid growth in cloud technology has also attracted more threats, with nearly 29%…

11 formas infalibles de fracasar con la IA

Las empresas están invirtiendo mucho dinero en herramientas de inteligencia artificial (IA), servicios y estrategias internas. Pero, por desgracia, los grandes desembolsos no garantizan el éxito. “La IA está en todas partes: transforma industrias, reestructura flujos de trabajo y promete un futuro de posibilidades ilimitadas”, afirma Paul Pallath, vicepresidente de IA aplicada en la consultora…

Turnkey AI option puts organizations in control

No organization can afford complacency while competitors harness artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to innovate and improve. But this enthusiasm is tempered by the realities of implementation and integration, coupled with fear of over-depending on rapidly evolving AI cloud service providers. Business and IT leaders know that speed is crucial to gaining or preserving competitive advantage.…

BBVA toma la delantera a las amenazas cuánticas; su plan “pionero” para transformar la ciberseguridad

La UNESCO proclamó el 2025 como el Año internacional de la ciencia y la tecnología cuántica con el fin de aumentar la conciencia pública sobre su progreso y aplicaciones. Y es que la computación cuántica promete revolucionar numerosos sectores con su capacidad para procesar información a velocidades inalcanzables para los ordenadores actuales. Sin embargo, este…

11 surefire ways to fail with AI

Enterprises are investing a lot of money in artificial intelligence tools, services, and in-house strategies. But unfortunately, big outlays don’t guarantee success. “AI is everywhere — transforming industries, reshaping workflows, and promising a future of limitless possibilities,” says Paul Pallath, vice president of applied AI at technology consulting firm Searce. “But for every AI success story,…

5 ways for CIOs to deal with AI proliferation

Whether you’re in an SMB or a large enterprise, as a CIO you’ve likely been inundated with AI apps, tools, agents, platforms, and frameworks from all angles. This isn’t surprising given that gen AI investments alone are expected to grow some 60% over the next three years, according to the Boston Consulting Group, accounting, on average,…

Cinco años de la pandemia que lo cambió todo

14 de marzo de 2020. El Gobierno decreta el estado de alarma como medida de control frente a la expansión de la COVID-19. A partir del día siguiente, millones de personas quedaban confinadas en sus domicilios. Solo quienes realizaban empleos considerados esenciales podían salir de su casa: se pasó del 5% al 34% de personas…

AI 임원은 다른 기술 임원과 ‘이렇게’ 다르다··· 현실 CAIO들의 이야기

2016년, AI 분야의 저명한 학자인 앤드류 응(Andrew Ng)은 최고 인공지능 책임자(CAIO)라는 직위의 신설할 이유를 제시했다. 이와 함께 이 임원의 특징과 책임 범위 등에 대해 논했다. 당시 CAIO가 필요하다는 생각이 다소 어처구니없게 느껴졌다. 일부 틈새 업종이면 몰라도 기업 대부분에게는 해당되지 않는다는 관점이 대세였다. 그러나 생성형 AI의 등장 이후 지능형 도구의 사용이 증가하면서, 다양한 산업에서 CAIO가 주요…