Why HR professionals struggle with big data

Over the next 15 years, more than 12 million people will retire, while technological progress will lead to major changes in occupations. According to the World Economic Forum, almost half of the skills required of employees today will change in the foreseeable future. The new requirements will include creative and analytical thinking, technical skills, a…

Outdated business apps can cloud your AI vision

Outdated software applications are creating roadblocks to AI adoption at many organizations, with limited data retention capabilities a central culprit, IT experts say. Decades-old apps designed to retain a limited amount of data due to storage costs at the time are also unlikely to integrate easily with AI tools, says Brian Klingbeil, chief strategy officer…

‘Teleportation’ breakthrough could solve quantum computing’s scalability problem

Researchers at the University of Oxford have demonstrated distributed quantum computing for the first time by connecting two separate quantum processors via a photonic network interface. By using optical fibers to entangle quantum bits in separate modules, quantum logic operations can be performed across the modules via quantum teleportation. The method makes it possible to link together…

“조사한 우리도 깜짝 놀랐다”··· 레노버, 올해 한국 AI 지출 ‘6.2배 증가’ 전망

“AI, 생성형 AI를 향한 초기 경쟁이 일단락된 가운데 기업들은 이제 비즈니스 가치를 창출할 수 있는 핵심 IT 기반에 투자하는 방향으로 나아가고 있다. 올해 AI와 관련한 기업들의 지출은 크게 증가할 전망이다. 이를 테면 IT 예산 중 AI 지출 비중이 전년과 비교해 3.3배에 이른다. 셰도우 AI를 감안하면 AI 관련 지출이 전체 IT 예산의 30%에 이를 수도 있다.”…