How to get the most out of IT consultants

As enterprises continue to plan, expand, or evolve their digital transformation efforts and shifts to the cloud, many are likely relying on IT consultants or considering hiring them for help. Bringing IT consultants on board give enterprise IT leaders several advantages, not the least of which is quick access to needed expertise when it’s not…

Stock buybacks put CIOs in the hot seat

Charles Dickens’ Tale of Two Cities contrasts London’s order and safety with the chaos and risk of Paris. Wall Street has its own tale of contrasts: Apple, which represents order and safety, and UnitedHealth Group, which represents — well, it was supposed to be order and safety, too, only it didn’t work out that well.…

Tendencias de contratación que van y vienen

La contracción del mercado laboral en el sector de las TI durante los dos últimos años ha influido en la forma en que las empresas abordan la contratación este 2024. Incluso cuando el temor a una posible recesión a corto plazo ha disminuido, según una encuesta reciente de PwC, muchos líderes tecnológicos buscan formas innovadoras…

Sluggish genAI? Take a look at your NAS

Generative AI (genAI) has unlocked new enterprise capabilities for organizations, be it delivering personalized customer experiences or enabling task automation. Driven by large language models (LLMs), genAI needs to ingest vast amounts of data and provide quick and accurate responses in split-second timings. But the effectiveness of genAI doesn’t only depend on the quality and…

Determining the best architecture for your CX platform

Innovation with respect to the customer experience remains crucial as global CX technology spending grows year-over-year, including increased spending on generative AI, the cloud, and digital services. Yet this acceleration can aggravate business management and create fundamental business risk, especially for established enterprises. Without the right cloud architecture, enterprises can be crushed under a mass of…