El mercado global de tecnología jurídica alcanzará los 50.000 millones de dólares

El mercado global de la tecnología legal ha crecido significativamente en los últimos años exhibiendo músculo. Una tendencia que, parece, se extenderá en el tiempo gracias al impulso de la inteligencia artificial (IA) generativa. Esto, según la firma de análisis e investigación Gartner, implica que alcanzará un valor de mercado de 50.000 millones de dólares con vistas al…

Essential skills and traits of chief AI officers

The rapid rise of artificial intelligence — especially generative AI — is prompting many organizations to hire or promote a chief AI officer (CAIO). To date, many of these positions are with technology vendors or at government entities in the wake of recent AI mandates. But the ranks of the CAIO are expected to increase…

Strong CIO-CISO relations fuel success at Ally

Technology has enabled Ally Financial to move at the speed of customers, embrace and drive disruptions, and see around corners to anticipate and stay ahead of trends. Helping lead the continual evolution of the nation’s largest all-digital bank are two award-winning technology executives: Sathish Muthukrishnan, Ally’s chief information, data, and digital officer, and Donna Hart,…

How being cloud smart fosters growth at Saab

Stockholm-based Saab recently announced that it’s significantly raising its growth targets for 2027 from 10 to 15%, an increase linked to the war in Ukraine and the fact that many countries are now rearming, which is clearly evident from Saab’s increased order intake. This also means the company now expects to ramp up hiring in…

Come diventare il CIO che ogni azienda desidera

Le aziende nutrono molte aspettative nei confronti dei loro CIO: conoscenza approfondita del business, capacità di ottenere risultati finanziari concreti e di lavorare in maniera agile, competenze nel gestire il cambiamento e nel collaborare attivamente con i leader aziendali per spiegare l’IT in modo semplice. Si tratta di una posizione di livello elevato che richiede…