Game Changer: Modernize IT Procurement with Data-driven Insights

Every organization pursuing digital transformation needs to optimize IT from edge to cloud to move faster and speed time to innovation. But the devil’s in the details. Each proposed IT infrastructure purchase presents decision-makers with difficult questions. What’s the right infrastructure configuration to meet our service level agreements (SLAs)? Where should we modernize — on-premises…

Scaling Financial Operations in Multi-Academy Trusts

The education sector in the UK is seeing incredible transformation with the expansion of multi-academy trusts (MATs) and the government’s requirement to have all schools in MATs by 2030. This brings unprecedented challenges, but also an enormous opportunity for positive education reform. Core to this challenge for MAT’s is the management of financial operations, budgets…

Skills and traits of elite product managers

The days when IT was left to its own (literal) devices, content to work on the tech side of various projects, are on their way out. IT organizations are shifting to product-based methodologies, in which cross-functional teams made up of both tech and business pros focus on a single product or service offering. This organizational…