Best practices for developing an actionable cyberresilience road map

Pandemic-era ransomware attacks have highlighted the need for robust cybersecurity safeguards. Now, leading organizations are going further, embracing a cyberresilience paradigm designed to bring agility to incident response while ensuring sustainable business operations, whatever the event or impact. Cyberresilience, as defined by the Ponemon Institute, is an enterprise’s capacity for maintaining its core business in the face of…

Exploring the digital impact in Northern Ireland’s health and social care system

The pandemic accelerated the urgency for reform in health and social care around the world, which strained resources to unprecedented levels. The effects are still being felt and in Northern Ireland specifically, ongoing political instability is further complicating approaches to digital transformation. Although progress is being made that should be recognized and celebrated, Dan West,…

Leaders That Reboot Their Game to Become a Future Enterprise

If digital transformation was about driving fundamental change within the company, then its next chapter will be far more outward-looking. This is about being digital-first: to build digital businesses that are viable and sustainable in the long term. Rather than just leveraging digital technology to seize new opportunities, such organisations are poised to create operating…

Keeping customers at the center of everything

By Hock Tan, Broadcom President and CEO During the 17 years I have led Broadcom, solving problems for customers and giving them the tools they need to succeed have been the most rewarding parts of my job. It’s important to me that whether we’re inventing the future through innovative R&D or co-creating new solutions with…