How to Manage Data as a Product

Distributed data ownership is a new idea that has recently captured the attention of IT executives and chief data officers. The concept: data should be curated by the people who know it best versus locked up in an IT ivory tower. Furthermore, owners should treat data as a product, ensuring that it is clean, current,…

Top 10 reasons to modernize technology now

The big picture: Modernizing applications can help companies take advantage of the latest technologies, streamline their operations, and stay ahead of the competition.  Why it matters: Outdated applications can limit productivity, hinder growth, and negatively impact customer experience.  The bottom line: Application modernization is a wise investment for businesses seeking long-term success and a competitive…

5 tips for startup partnership success

IT leaders looking to accelerate their innovation agendas have a partner-in-waiting in the startup ecosystem. By linking up with startups, CIOs can greatly expand their opportunities to experiment with emerging technologies and augment their in-house innovation programs. And the market for doing so remains robust for corporations looking to make the most of the model.…

14 organizations that support LGBTQ+ tech workers

The lack of diversity in IT doesn’t just leave underrepresented workers feeling alienated; it can also make them feel unsafe. That’s certainly true for the LGBTQIA+ community, with only 76% of LGBTQ+ workers reporting they feel safe in their workplace and 64% of trans and gender nonconforming (GNC) individuals saying the same, according to a report…

Stress da cambiamento, che cosa fare se il tuo personale IT è in crisi

Nel picco della crisi pandemica e in piena digital transformation un’azienda italiana “della fabbricazione di poltrone e divani, con sede centrale in Puglia”, si è rivolta al Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione, Psicologia, Comunicazione dell’Università degli Studi di Bari per una consulenza. L’obiettivo? Gestire lo stress da cambiamento monitorando la risposta dei dipendenti in termini…

Who’s paying your data integration tax?

We’ve just wrapped up tax season in the United States and much of Europe. We all know that dealing with taxes can be a complicated and frustrating process, especially for those who have their own businesses or generate investment income. Though we know who’s paying your income taxes this April (sorry to rub it in:…

A Vision of Radical Networking Simplicity

In networking today, complexity reigns. Tapping an app on a mobile device at home relies on many connections. Count them: the home Wi-Fi, the ISP, the Internet, a Domain Name System (DNS) provider, a content delivery network (CDN), applications distributed among multiple providers in multiple clouds, credit authentication companies, a private customer information database. This…