Wells Fargo prepares to take a quantum leap

Wells Fargo was introduced to quantum computing’s potential in 2019. At that time, the financial services company was exploring post-quantum cryptography and already had research relationships with academic institutions working on AI research.  When IBM started work on its quantum computing research network, Wells Fargo decided to explore the possibilities. “As we started unpacking approaches…

Don’t get locked out of multi-cloud options

Long-standing fears about being locked into a particular vendor’s IT solution can freeze decision-making when IT leaders seek to invest in new capabilities. Multi-cloud provides new opportunities to quickly gain those capabilities without being exceedingly beholden to any one vendor, but lock-in avoidance is not necessarily the right motivation on which to base a multi-cloud…

How a cloud-first enterprise application strategy boosts speed and scale for your business

Against a backdrop of disruptive global events and fast-moving technology change, a cloud-first approach to enterprise applications is increasingly critical. That’s the consensus from members of CIO.com’s community of IT experts who weighed in on how a cloud-first approach to enterprise applications allow an organization to scale its business. With a cloud-first approach, businesses can…

Top 16 business process management tools

In the past, businesses were said to run on paper. Today, they run on data and that data is usually juggled, herded, curated, and organized by business process management (BPM) software. BPM tools help organizations create, execute, optimize, and monitor business processes. There are dozens of tools that fall into this category, including homegrown systems…